Thursday, March 22, 2012

Water Day! - please read today!!

Hi there. Due to technical difficulties I am having to post from my phone which I've never done before and am not sure will even work.

But lame as this post may be without photos or formatting, it would have been FAR lamer had I not posted today at all.

You see today is world water day. Today has the potential to be a $50,000 towards helping improve LIVES sort of day.

For the scoop on $50,000 see here:

For another explanation of what this is all about click here:

I'm gonna admit I was knd of afraid to ask you guys to give money again.

You know what? I realized that was dumb. You know why?

For one thing it's totally up to you and God what you do with the money He's blessed you with. It doesn't have anything to do with me.

Also, when we gave the stoves so many of you thanked me for just letting you know about an opportunity to give.

I'm just sharing this opportunity that I'm excited about and whether it's one for you to get excited about and give to is not any of my business. :).

Okay so if you want to give Check out one of the blogs above and I'm sure they will point you to the right place. I am sorry I am dealing with technology holdbacks and can't make this all simple and li my for you.

The thing is, God is bigger than technology and He can accomplish BIG things here on earth. We are just privileged to get to hang on for the ride and join in on the excitement. Pretty cool!

One last thing, I don't know the exact parameters but I think the matching funds might only apply on what's given today so if you are going to give please don't let the day get away from you.

Happy world water day! Kelly

1 comment:

Julie said...

You know how passionate I am about clean water so I set up a fundraising page. You can also read more about it on my blog:
Thank you for making us aware. Love you!